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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Don't believe everything you hear!

Just because it is on the internet or Fox News does not mean that it is true.  But Mitt running again is out there for all who wants to believe it. The GOP really does not have any one else to put out there, really.  It could be Hilary and Mitt.  It all will start soon, I am afraid.  Living in Happy Valley means if you are not for Mitt, you are going to be banished......

I well remember the fasting and praying for Mitt letter that went around last election.  It was sent to us by well meaning family.  Even though we told them we were not a fan of Mitt, they kept sending us the "fasting letter".    Here is a copy of that letter:

We were contacted today and asked to participate in a fast on Sunday for Mitt Romney and asked to enlist others to do the same. That’s what this email is about.
It is specifically to pray for him to have the Spirit with him during all the debates, but especially this first one. Some suggestions of what to pray for are that he may have clarity of mind, recall of information, strength of convictions and present himself as strong and confident. You’ve no doubt heard it said that this is the most important election in many years. We are not only electing a President, but defining the future of the United States of America by the choices that we make. If we live righteously, the Lord will continue to bless this covenant land as He has promised.
If you feel that this is something that you would like to be a part of, wonderful. If you feel comfortable enlisting others to join in, even better! As the Primary children will tell us on Sunday, we need to “Choose the Right”.

Need I say more??????

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