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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Utah and the Medicaid Expansion

Utah’s Catholic bishop: If you’re pro-life, you’re pro-Medicaid expansion
In a sharply worded editorial , the head of Utah’s 300,000 Catholics asked why in "a state that proudly proclaims its pro-life beliefs," political leaders are "frittering away" the chance to expand Medicaid.

This is because of the hatred for Obama.  This is because of our Utah Legislature and our Governor Herbert.   Basically this is a disgrace to the poor of Utah.  The LDS Church has not made any kind of statement on the issue either.  For a Church that is sympathetic to the poor, and even pay members doctor bills and has a storehouse of food, etc, one would think that they take a stand on the expansion

."Right now an opportunity to protect the dignity and sanctity of human life in Utah is being squandered by legislators who refuse to act in a morally responsible manner," the Rev. John C. Wester wrote in the Intermountain Catholic, a weekly newspaper published by the Salt Lake Diocese. "Utah cannot proclaim itself a pro-life state so long as it refuses to provide access to basic health care coverage to a significant portion of its citizens."

Wester said he was motivated to speak out after GOP legislative leaders this summer declared there would be no decision on Medicaid until 2015, well after November’s election.
This news came despite two years of studying the matter and public opinion polls showing overwhelming support for Utah Gov. Gary Herbert’s private-market alternative tapping public dollars to buy private coverage for 111,000 working poor and uninsured.----taken from the Salt Lake Tribune
Remember this when you go to the polls next time, and you have the opportunity to get rid of your current state representative.....

Here we go again......

10th Circuit Court: Utah’s same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional

The Utah Attorney General’s Office said in a statement that it will push to have the issue heard by the Supreme Court, but hasn’t decided whether it will ask for a full-court review by the 10th Circuit.  The governor and the attorney general are going to fight this to the bitter end.  They are going to waste more tax payer money to take this to the Supreme Court.  We will have to wait and see what happens.

I liked the Attorney Generals Office when John Swallow was running the show.  He was so involved in covering his tracks, and destroying evidence that he had no time to waste our tax money by taking this issue to the courts.  

Kate Kelly and Ordain Women

The headlines today and the big announcement was the excommunication of Kate Kelly of Ordain Women. Let's get real.  Did she really think she was going to able to pull this one off?  It will be interesting to see what happens to the other women who have posted their profiles on that website.  In case you don’t know where to find this one, it is here:  She was informed by an email from here Bishop.  That kinda sucks.  Email?

I tend to be a little liberal, but not that liberal.  Geez.  But then John Swallow is still a member of the LDS Church, and so is his buddy Mr. Shurtliff.    Hopefully this will go away and we will not have to hear about this every time we turn on the radio or television.